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Don't Wait Until Spring: Why You Need To Have The Yellow Jackets Removed This Fall

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If you've seen some yellow jacket activity in your yard, but you've decided to forego treatment, that's not the best course of action to take. Many people think that their yellow jacket problems will go away as soon as the temperatures start to cool down in the fall. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Your yellow jacket problems won't actually go away in the fall. In fact, the problems will get bigger now that fall is here, which is why you need to have them removed as soon as possible. Here are just four of the reasons you need to have yellow jacket nests removed during the fall. 

Increased Activity

If you've seen increased yellow jacket activity lately, the problem is going to get worse. During the fall, mating activity increases throughout the yellow jacket colonies. The natural need to mate increases the activity around the colonies, which increases your risk of being stung. 

Increased Colony Size

Now that fall is officially here, you can expect your yellow jacket colonies to increase in size. Not only are the yellow jackets starting to mate, which increases the male population, but the workers are also starting to get active as well. Unfortunately, that means more worker yellow jackets will show up in your yard. That's because they're busy building new nests for next year's queen population. The added males and worker yellow jackets will increase the colony size in your yard. Unfortunately, that also increases your risk for stings, which can be dangerous for family members who suffer from yellow jacket allergies. 

Increased Shelter Search

Now that the temperatures are starting to cool down, you'll need to worry about yellow jacket invasions. Once the weather gets too cold for yellow jackets, they start to look for other shelter sources. This is especially true while the yellow jackets are in the process of building new nests. If they can find easily accessible shelter space, they'll take over. If they can gain access to your home or attic, they'll build up their colony in those areas. Unfortunately, yellow jackets are more difficult to get rid of once they're inside your home. You can reduce the risk of invasion by having the yellow jackets removed from your yard immediately. 

Increased Aggressiveness

If you've noticed more yellow jackets in your yard lately, you may have also noticed an increase in aggressiveness. Unfortunately, yellow jackets do tend to get more aggressive during the fall. In fact, they can become so aggressive that they'll sting for no reason at all, which is why fall is the perfect time to have the yellow jackets removed from your property.

For more information, contact a yellow jacket removal service.
