Guarding Against Pests: A Blog

Mosquitoes Taking Over Your Backyard? What You Should Do

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Mosquitoes aren’t really that picky about whose yard they take over, although they do prefer areas that have more moisture to lay their eggs. If your yard happens to be one that mosquitoes prefer to be in more than anyone else’s yard around you, there are things you can do to help get rid of them. Read below for a few things you can do to help you take care of your mosquito problem.…

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How To Find Termites In Your Home

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Termites could be flying or crawling around undetected in your home. You may have seen them and not even realized what they were. If you do have termites at your home, there may be a chance that these pests are actually eating through your home and you don’t even realize it. These pests could be making your home uninhabitable or even dangerous if they are chewing through wood such as support beams, or your door and window frames.…

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Keeping Ants Out Of Your Kitchen

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Ants tend to emerge in the spring and summer and seem to find their way into kitchens in search of food and water. If you have had an ant problem in the past or if you have seen ants inside of your kitchen, taking steps to eliminate and keep them away is necessary. Start By Tending To Food Properly The food you keep in your kitchen is at risk of becoming a meal for ants if it is not protected properly.…

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