Guarding Against Pests: A Blog

3 Health Risks That Come With Having Racoons In Your Attic

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If you have ever attempted removing a raccoon from your home, you know that it is one of the most challenging pest control tasks. The little animals know how to access a home through openings on the roof, gutters, and basements. They will then set up their nests in the basement, under the floorboards, or in the attic. Most people will fear removing raccoons from their homes because of a possible attack.…

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Termite Treatment Basics: The Components Of The Cost

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If you have any reason to believe that your home has a termite infestation, the first thing you should do is reach out to a local pest control contractor for an estimate to address the situation. It’s important to note that termite infestations are not a one-size-fits-all type of problem, and the estimates for dealing with the infestation can vary widely. Understanding the elements that affect your termite mitigation estimate can help you to be better informed before your pest control contractor arrives.…

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Recommendations To Help Keep Your Home And Property Free Of Termites

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Termites and their damage to your home can be unnerving and expensive, as they eat through the wood materials that make up your home’s structure and interior features. With the right diligence and proactive protection measures, you can keep your home protected against termite attacks and also make essential professional repairs after you discover a termite problem. Here are some recommendations that you can use to help keep your home free of termites and their extensive damage.…

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