Guarding Against Pests: A Blog

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Pest Control Service

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Pest infestations can be a nuisance and make your life unbearable. Over-the-counter pesticides sometimes don’t work in controlling pests. The best solution to your pest infestation problem is to hire a pest control service. Here are some pointers on choosing a pest control service. Determine What Pests You Are Dealing With Before you begin your search for a pest control service, it’s essential to determine the type of pest invasion you’re dealing with.…

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Six Maintenance Tasks Around Your Home's Exterior That Can Help Keep Pests Away

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One of the most common reasons why homeowners experience pest infestations is because they’re not keeping up with maintenance around their home’s exterior. There are numerous ways pests can be attracted to and succeed in infiltrating your home when you’ve been slacking on maintenance. The following are six maintenance tasks you need to take care of around your home’s exterior to minimize your chances of experiencing pest infestations.  Replace missing vent screens on your soffits…

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The Pros And Cons Of Having Your Yard Sprayed For Mosquitoes

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Mosquitoes have to be some of the most annoying creatures on the planet. Not only do they leave itchy bites on your skin, but they can spread all sorts of dangerous infections through those itchy bites! If you have mosquitoes in your yard, one solution is to call a pest control company and have them come spray for mosquitoes. But this approach has its pros and cons, and you’d be smart to consider both sides before proceeding.…

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