Guarding Against Pests: A Blog

Don't Wait Until Spring: Why You Need To Have The Yellow Jackets Removed This Fall

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If you’ve seen some yellow jacket activity in your yard, but you’ve decided to forego treatment, that’s not the best course of action to take. Many people think that their yellow jacket problems will go away as soon as the temperatures start to cool down in the fall. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Your yellow jacket problems won’t actually go away in the fall. In fact, the problems will get bigger now that fall is here, which is why you need to have them removed as soon as possible.…

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4 Type Of Traps That You Can Use To Catch Those Pesky Mice

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Have mice coming into your home and not sure what to do about them? You’ll likely need to hire an exterminator to get rid of them and find the places that they are sneaking in. However, until an exterminator arrives, you will want to find ways to control the mice so they are not running wild in your home. Here are the types of traps that you can use on your own.…

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Bed Bugs In Your Area? Keep Them Out Of Your Home With These Preventative Tips

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Bed bugs can be found across the country, but they are certainly more common in some areas than in others. Maybe you’ve known a few people who have had bed bugs in your area, or perhaps you have heard on the news that your area is experiencing a surge in these pests. How can you make sure you don’t bring the bed begs into your home? Here are some preventative tips.…

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