Guarding Against Pests: A Blog

Top 4 Reasons For Hiring Bed Bug Control Professionals

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Bedbugs are difficult to exterminate. When you think you have eliminated all of them, others are hiding under the mattress, in wall cracks and crevices, behind pictures, and in floorboards.   As a result, all the work you have done using powders, sprays, vacuuming, or cleaning the house may be in vain. Here are four convincing reasons for hiring bed bug control professionals instead of handling the issue alone.  Fewer Pesticides Use…

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What To Do If You're Having A Problem With Ground Bees

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Ground bees can be a major problem, especially if you aren’t sure they are there until you’ve already stepped on the nest and been stung. They can be a problem for anyone that gets near the nest, including your pet when out in the yard. If you have ground bees, they are going to be a problem if you don’t take care of them. Read on for information to help you get rid of these pests.…

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Why Bed Bugs Are The Worst Pests And Why You Should Always Call For Professional Pest Control

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There are many pests across North America that affect millions of people on a  daily basis. From termites and tarantulas to possums and alligators, each presents its own challenges, but perhaps none are as feared by homeowners and pest control companies as bed bugs. Bed bug pest control is one of the most thorough and intense of all the different areas of pest control, and there are very good reasons for that.…

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